I imagine that it had to happen sooner or later. I shaved my head - and kept the beard. I had bought into the false dichotomy that it could only be one or the other.
Now, of course, I would rather have hair past my shoulders. That is actually my preference. But it will not be a reality, as my hair has thinned and I refuse to play the games of denial that result in comical hairstyles and loss of money to ridiculous hair products.
The irony is that my wife is thankful that my hair has thinned because it forces my hand. She prefers the current look, and yet the only reason I do it, is because I must. Oh well, it worked out for her. It seems as though I must make Lev. 13:40 my own.
However, I do have something to look forward to. If the beard goes all white, that may look distinguished.
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